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Responding to Suicide Clusters on College Campuses

SAMHSA & The JED Foundation Present:

Responding to Suicide Clusters on College Campuses

Part I: Understanding Suicide Clusters on College Campuses: What do we know?

1:30pm – 3:00pm ET

In Part I of this two-part web conference, participants will learn from experts in suicide prevention and college mental health about our current understanding of suicide clusters on college campuses and in other settings. Presenters will discuss the epidemiology and demographics of suicide clusters; what we know about settings in which clusters are more likely to occur; and how to diminish the risk of contagion through effective communication, intervention, and postvention on- and off-campus.

Part II: Case Studies & Practical Guidance on Prevention and Post-vention of Campus Suicide Clusters

3:30pm – 5:00pm ET

In Part II of this two-part web conference, a panel of clinicians who have experienced suicide clusters on their campuses or who have worked with campuses that have experienced clusters will discuss their experiences; lessons learned about the demographics of suicide clusters; planning for post-vention after a cluster; communication and media reporting; and managing the campus response to a cluster.

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