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Adult Ally What Does it Mean to Parents?

Facilitator: Teresa King
Family Content Specialist, National Federation of Families for Children's Mental Health (NFFCMH)  and National Technical Assistance Center for Childrens Mental Health, Georgetown University.

Lisa Lambert, Executive Director, Parent Professional Advocacy League (PPAL)              

Johanna Bergan, Executive Director, Youth Move National (YMN)                          

Elizabeth Sweet, M.Ed. Project Officer, Child, Adolescent and Family Branch Center for Mental Health Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

As a parent when you hear the term “Adult Ally” in the context of role in the life of your young adult how do you feel? As parents raising our youth who are transitioning to adulthood how are we handling the change in roles? Lisa Lambert the Executive Director of PPAL posted on her blog January 4, 2015, The imminent demise of parent voice, sort of… “Parents are unique in their son’s or daughter’s life. Their relationship has many layers and textures and nuances that no one else can come close to.”

Join the Georgetown TA Center in a public conversation where family and youth leaders openly discuss how they distinguish the role of their parents from other supportive adults in their lives.

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