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Transition Planning: Empowering families of transition age youth

  • This is an online event (map)

Presenters: Beth Pond & Anne Silver, Parent Professional Advocacy League (PPAL)

This session is geared to provide critical information to families with children receiving mental health services as they transition into adulthood. Although the role of the family changes as youth become legal adults, the family plays a crucial role in advocacy and support during this period. In this light, it is essential that parents and family members understand both the developmental and legal dynamics that overlay this period of transition to support their children in laying the groundwork for success as young adults.

Webinar participants will learn about:

  • The nature and importance of the transition process
  • How to plan for post-secondary goals
  • Parents' role during transition
  • Legal considerations for youth turning 18

Webinar materials below in case you missed it!