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Building Effective Partnerships with Psychiatric Prescribers

  • This is an online event (map)

Presenters:  Nandini Talwar, MD, Child Psychiatrist, Massachusetts Department of Mental Health; Kristi Glenn, Coordinator of Family Driven Practice, Caring Together;  Christine Furnari, MSW Intern, Massachusetts Department of Mental Health

The purpose of this webinar is to introduce collaborative techniques for working with psychiatric prescribers and with families who have children that are on or are candidates for psychotropic medication. Good communication and collaboration between families and prescribers can improve diagnostic accuracy, promote more effective treatment, and ultimately improve mental health outcomes. Tune in to this webinar for tips on how to support families in building partnerships with these providers for the purpose of improving the efficacy of treatment. This webinar will offer an overview of communication strategies, coaching tips for working with families, tips on developing and maintaining tracking systems to improve quality of care, and facts and resources related to psychiatric medication use in youth.