Successfully integrating young adult peer mentors (YAPMs) can transform your organization. Young adult peer mentors complement clinical supports, ensuring that services are culturally and developmentally attuned to youth and young adult needs. Each less than ten minutes, these four online trainings cover role fundamentals, how clinical staff can best partner with young adult peer mentors, and how organizations can best support integration. Whether you are new to the practice or are interested in improving integration and clinical partnership, these lessons are for you.

Each lesson is less than ten minutes in length, though you can take as much time as you need and replay the lessons as often as you like. These lessons include audio narration and may open in a new window. Please adjust the volume and set the closed captions to your preference within each lesson. You may also use the panels shown in each lesson to start, stop, or replay the narration, as well as find the “Next” and “Previous” buttons to advance the slides or return to a previous one. You may find a transcript for this course and additional resources in the links following these lessons.